We were very pleased to have the opportunity to be part of this year’s “Lange Nacht der Forschung 2024”.

At EFFEREST, our focus lies on efficient, user-centered energy management systems. In line with this mission, and to demonstrate how inventive energy solutions can be created from natural resources, we prepared a special activity for all ages: Make your own lemon battery.

Despite a few initial challenges, by the end of the day, we were experts at creating these unique power sources.
We are deeply grateful for the opportunity to share our knowledge and skills, as well as our passion for technology. Demonstrating how science can be both fun and accessible is something we love. It was fantastic to see the LED light up with the power of our lemon batteries, but the real highlight was witnessing the excitement in the eyes of the children. 

Thank you to all the diligent participants, organizers and of course to our colleagues greenSPEED EU Project, HiPE & OpMoSi who made this event possible. 

We are already looking forward to the next Long Night of Research and hope to see even more of you there, ready to explore and discover the endless wonders of science and technology!